
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Survival Mode.

Life with two little ones have had its challenges but triple the rewards. It's been an adjustment for all of us and to be honest, I have no memory of half of January and all of February. With a newborn, there is no separation of day and night. It all rolls into one very long mush of time. If I got a shower and brushed my teeth once in a day, it was a very good day. Some women can balance a newborn, a toddler or two, makeup and hair, fashion and still get to where they are going on time. Ha! The first three months were survival mode for me. If everyone was alive, we were good. Let's just be honest. My first outing with the kids alone, Madelyn wore a backwards shirt. If I didn't have spit up in my hair, food smeared all over my clothes, pee on my shirt and baby poop somewhere on my body then we were doing good. Madelyn went to bed in what she woke up in the morning before... a time or two. And we ate dinner at 8, often. But you know, we survived.

We have recently started venturing out for longer than the time it took for the first kid to cry. I used to high tail it out of wherever I was when one would start. Because, it never ended well. I was out numbered and they both knew that. I have since become more comfortable in mothering two and a little more relaxed. I told a friend the other day that I feel like we are just now getting out of the "survival mode". Madelyn may not have gotten a bath every night of the week but she went to bed knowing how much we loved her. And that's what remained important.


  1. Best mommy award goes to you my sister. You have handled the blessing of two beautiful babies with nothing shy of grace, patience and an abundance of love. The day you told me you were pregnant with Madelyn my heart smiled because I knew that Madelyn and soon to be Landon were the luckiest kids in the world to have such a caring, patient and loving mommy.

  2. I feel you on this! And just to make you feel better...My boys probably get two or three baths a week. And we're not really in survival mode anymore. haha! But we're all alive. P.S. I wish we lived closer. I miss you guys!

    1. Jodi, I couldn't agree more. Living closer would be way more fun!

  3. Aww, it sounds like you're doing great! I second the feeling about bathing. A little dirt never hurt anyone. :) Your daughter is adorable.

    Just stopping by at the suggestion of my dad, Bob Abramson.

    1. Sarah, thank you so much for stopping by and for your nice comment! :) Please tell Dr. Bob I said hello!

  4. A Mom of two (adorable) small children isn't without it challenges... yet you make it look effortless! :) You are an amazing mother and daughter. I'm so VERY proud of you! :)

    LOVE your Easter blog! I couldn't help get choked up! The effort and love you put forth making their day so wonderful, is priceless!!! :) Looking forward to many more egg hunts! :)

    1. Thanks mom! :) Easter was loads fun, definitely look forward to next year!
