So, while deciding which recipe to share with you...I thought, what better than the Icebox cake!
What you'll need:
1. 2 Cups Heavy Cream (I doubled the ingredients for this one because I needed a bigger cake)
2. 1 Tsp vanilla
3. 2-3 Tbsp sugar
4. 1 package Chocolate Wafers (Nabisko works great!)- I found these guys at the end of the ice cream isle, not on the cookie isle.
First, I found putting my large metal mixing bowl in the freezer for a few minutes a big help while getting all your ingredients ready. Then, place your heavy cream, sugar and vanilla in the cold mixing bowl. Beat until it is whip cream consistency...just a warning, it might take a while.
Second, lick the beaters. My favorite part.
Third, place cream mixture evenly between wafers to make a "log". Don't be concerned about making it look pretty, it gets covered up anyway.
Continue building it to the size you need.
I think I did 3 "logs", connecting them to form a large cake. You will then cover "logs" with remaining whip cream. Last, but certainly not least! The best part, cover the top with any topping of your choice. In this case I did carmel, chocolate syrup and crushed up remaining wafers. Refrigerate overnight or at least for several hours. The longer it sits, the better it gets! The wafers will then become more like a cake consistency due to the whip cream. Yum!
This looks so yummy! ;)